Minio Client (mc/mcli)

Minio client is a free and open command line tool used for manipulating various types of cloud storage.

As this tool is supported by S3, it can be used with Tebi’s S3 API as well.


Please refer to your local package manager for installing the minio client package. Make sure to install the client and not the server, as the client package is usually named differently, and minio is usually reserved for the server.

You can read the official download instructions over at their quick-start guide.


To register tebi with minio client (which in the following example is mcli – depending on your distribution, it could also be called mc), use the alias command as following:

1$ mcli alias set tebi --api "s3v4"
2Enter Access Key: YOUR_KEY
3Enter Secret Key: YOUR_SECRET
4Added `tebi` successfully.

You can check the alias either by using mcli alias ls

1$ mcli alias ls
5    URL       :
6    AccessKey : YOUR_KEY
7    SecretKey : YOUR_SECRET
8    API       : s3v4
9    Path      : auto

or by changing the configuration in ~/.mcli/config.json.


Now, you can check your buckets by using mcli ls tebi,

1$ mcli ls tebi
2[2022-07-19 00:28:21 CEST]     0B bucket_name1/
3[2022-07-19 00:37:12 CEST]     0B bucket_name2/

or upload files via mcli cp.

1$ mcli cp file.txt tebi/BUCKET_NAME/
2file.txt:  435.11 MiB / 435.11 MiB ┃▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓┃ 184.86 MiB/s

See Also

Refer here for more information.