Aggregated Monthly Account Logs

Downloads aggregated monthly account logs in JSON format.

Logs are sorted by date in descending order.

You must use Master Key with Tebi API ACL to be able to call this action.

Request Syntax

1GET /api/account/logs/monthly/<PAGE> HTTP/1.1

The request uses the following URI parameters:

  • <PAGE>: Optional results page. By default, response will contain 1000 records per page.

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

1HTTP/1.1 200
2Content-Type: application/json

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

Body data is returned in JSON text UTF-8 encoding format by the service.

Response Body Example

 2"data": [
 3    {
 4    "codes":{
 5        "200":1
 6     },
 7    "date": 202106,
 8    "dirs": 1,
 9    "files": 2,
10    "hits": 1,
11    "price_size": 0.0,
12    "price_traffic": 0.0,
13    "size": 2515,
14    "traffic": 2515,
15    "storage_classes": [
16        {
17        "code": "STANDARD",
18        "files": 2,
19        "price_size": 0.0,
20        "size": 2515
21        },
22        {
23        "code": "TTT",
24        "files": 0,
25        "price_size": 0.0,
26        "size": 0
27        }
28    ],
29    "datacenters": [
30        {
31        "codes": {
32           "200": 1
33        },
34        "dc": "DE",
35        "hits": 1,
36        "traffic": 2515
37        }
38    ]
39    }
41"page": 1,
42"pages": 1,
43"results": 3