Virtual Hosting Bucket HTTPS

Get or modify the status of your virtual hosting bucket HTTPS support.

Tebi allows you to issue a free Let’s Encrypt HTTPS certificate for your virtual hosting bucket.

You must use Master Key with Tebi API ACL to be able to call this action.

Get Bucket HTTPS Status

Request Syntax

1GET /api/buckets/https/<BUCKET> HTTP/1.1

The request uses the following URI parameters:

  • <BUCKET>: Bucket name for which to get status or issue an HTTPS certificate. Required.

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

1HTTP/1.1 200
2Content-Type: application/json
3Transfer-Encoding: chunked

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

Body data is returned in JSON format by the service.

Response Body Format

  • available: Whether certificate can be issued for this bucket or not. Valid Values: true | false.

  • enable: Certificate status. Valid Values: true | false.


Get an HTTPS certificate status for a <BUCKET>.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: TB-PLAIN <KEY>:<SECRET>" "<BUCKET>" --output -


Set Bucket HTTPS status

Request Syntax

1PUT /api/buckets/https/<BUCKET> HTTP/1.1

The request uses the following URI parameters:

  • <BUCKET>: Bucket name for which to get status or issue an HTTPS certificate. Required.

Body data is set in JSON format.

Request Body Format

  • enable - Issue a new certificate or disable HTTPS support for the bucket. Valid Values: true | false.

Request Syntax

1HTTP/1.1 200
2Transfer-Encoding: chunked

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.


Issue a free HTTPS certificate for a <BUCKET>.

curl -X PUT -d '{"enable": true}' -H "Authorization: TB-PLAIN <KEY>:<SECRET>" "<BUCKET>" --output -