
Creates a new S3 bucket.

To create a bucket, you must register with Tebi and have a valid Master Access Key ID to authenticate requests. Anonymous requests are never allowed to create buckets.

By creating the bucket, you become the bucket owner.

Not every string is an acceptable bucket name. For information about bucket naming restrictions, see Bucket naming rules.

You must have a Master Key with S3 Protocol ACL to be able to call this action.

The following operations are related to CreateBucket:

Request Syntax

1PUT / HTTP/1.1
2Host: <BUCKET>

The request uses the following URI parameters:

  • <BUCKET>: Name of the bucket to create. Required.

Request body is ignored.

Response Syntax

1HTTP/1.1 200
2Content-Length: 0
3Location: Location

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The response returns the following HTTP headers:

  • Location: Specifies bucket URI.

See Also

Refer here for more information.