
Returns the website configuration for a bucket.

To host a website on Tebi, configure a bucket as a website by adding a website configuration.

You must have Full ACL to be able to call this action.

The following operations are related to GetBucketWebsite:

Request Syntax

1GET /?website HTTP/1.1
2Host: <BUCKET>

The request uses the following URI parameters:

  • <BUCKET>: Bucket name for which to get the website configuration. Required.

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

 1HTTP/1.1 200
 2Content-Length: ContentLength
 3Content-Type: application/xml
 5<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 7    <RedirectAllRequestsTo>
 8        <HostName>string</HostName>
 9        <Protocol>string</Protocol>
10    </RedirectAllRequestsTo>
11    <IndexDocument>
12        <Suffix>string</Suffix>
13    </IndexDocument>
14    <ErrorDocument>
15        <Key>string</Key>
16    </ErrorDocument>

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in XML format by the service:

  • WebsiteConfiguration: Root level tag for the WebsiteConfiguration parameters.

  • ErrorDocument: Object key name of the website error document to use for 4XX class errors.

  • IndexDocument: Name of the index document for the website (for example: index.html).

  • RedirectAllRequestsTo: Specifies the redirect behavior of all requests.

See Also

Refer here for more information.